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Choosing Your Book Title
Choosing Your Book Title Is your title original? Using a title that is the same or very similar to another book makes it hard for your...

Book Launch: Do's & Dont's
Launch DO’S & DON’TS - DO start planning early; three to six months in advance - DO take advantage of all platforms of media (social...

National Read a Book Day
In a world deluged by technology, National Read a Book Day encourages us to silence the noise and turn the pages for a while. . . ....

5 Writing Strategies
5 Strategies for writing simply but authoritatively: 1. Use simpler words and phrases 2. Minimize the number of negatives in a sentence...

Why an Ebook?
Cassandra V. Fulwood The world is already spending voluminous amounts of time on electronic devices (computer, PC, Mac, laptop, tablet,...
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