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Designing a Book Cover
A book cover tells a visual story using color, font, and illustrations. It should be unique and distinctive. A properly designed book...

Advice for New Writers
Advice for New Writers -Learn from others. Register for a writing class and join a writing group. -Read a lot and regularly. -Decide what...

Authors Can Make Money Self-publishing
Authors Can Make Money Through Self- Publishing via: Global Distribution Speaking Patronage (Patreon) Affiliate Income #CTP #write...

5 Writing Strategies
5 Strategies for writing simply but authoritatively: 1. Use simpler words and phrases 2. Minimize the number of negatives in a sentence...

Creative Writing Prompts
Check out these creative writing prompts: 1. Write a story about a writer with a very unusual method for overcoming writer’s block. 2....

What and Why ISBN
Cassandra V. Fulwood ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, meaning it’s an internationally recognized identification...

Types of Professional Book Editing
Cassandra V. Fulwood Types of Professional Book Editing Manuscript Critique This high-level examination looks at narrative voice, plot,...
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