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Designing a Book Cover
A book cover tells a visual story using color, font, and illustrations. It should be unique and distinctive. A properly designed book...

Choosing Your Book Title
Choosing Your Book Title Is your title original? Using a title that is the same or very similar to another book makes it hard for your...

Book Launch: Do's & Dont's
Launch DO’S & DON’TS - DO start planning early; three to six months in advance - DO take advantage of all platforms of media (social...

Advice for New Writers
Advice for New Writers -Learn from others. Register for a writing class and join a writing group. -Read a lot and regularly. -Decide what...

What is Creative Writing?
Creative writing is writing where creativity is at the forefront of its purpose through using imagination, creativity, and innovation in...

Hybrid Publishing
Hybrid Publishing: What is it? Hybrid publishing intertwines traditional publishing and independent publishing. The traditional...

Self-publishing Mistakes to Avoid
Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid: • Lackluster book cover & interior design • Failure to have your book professionally edited • Pricing...

5 Writing Strategies
5 Strategies for writing simply but authoritatively: 1. Use simpler words and phrases 2. Minimize the number of negatives in a sentence...

National Book Lovers Day
Creative writing is a form of writing where creativity is at the forefront of its purpose through using imagination, creativity, and...

What and Why ISBN
Cassandra V. Fulwood ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, meaning it’s an internationally recognized identification...

Types of Professional Book Editing
Cassandra V. Fulwood Types of Professional Book Editing Manuscript Critique This high-level examination looks at narrative voice, plot,...

Dealing with Writer's Block
Cassandra V. Fulwood Dealing with Writer’s Block Enhance Your Workspace No matter your environment, make it a place you want to be....

Why Write a Book?
Cassandra V. Fulwood Why Write a Book? -Allows you to find your voice & to speak your truth -To tell your story -To inspire & motivate...

The Joy of Writing
Cassandra V. Fulwood The Joy of Writing Everyone is created with a unique way of looking at the world and an unlimited potential for...

The Advantages of Self-publishing
Cassandra V. Fulwood Advantages of Self-Publishing 1. No Gatekeeper 2. Follow your own Timeline 3. Have complete creative control 4. Earn...
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